This week we had an invention challenge! Each pod designed a new toy and wrote persuasive advertisements to try and sell it. We used empty cereal boxes to design the prototype box for our new products and acted out advertisements during drama. We had great ideas and had great fun!
We have been learning all about the country Australia during our lessons. We have been enjoying using our class atlases to look at the geography of Australia and Oceania (the continent you will find Australia in). We know that Australia is an island and has many different landscapes like deserts, rainforests and beaches. Did you know that Australians call the desert the outback? During our History and Learn Together lessons, we have been learning about the Aborigines who are the indigenous people of Australia. The Aborginal people first arrived in Australia 60,000 years ago and have been living there ever since. The Aborigines have a rich culture. Dreamtime is the name for their spiritual beliefs. Dreamtime has been passed down through the generations through stories and amazing artwork on walls, stones and objects. We have been looking at examples of Aboriginal art and have tried recreating the style in our art lessons. Check out our work below. We have tried to use dots like the examples we saw and include symbols and pictures from the landscape.
We had a great week in school last week and did lots of fabulous learning. In English, we have been learning about persuasive writing. We wrote some very convincing advertisements to sell basketballs. We hope you enjoy reading them! See if you can spot our exaggerated language, product benefits and rhetorical questions. We got some new P.E. equipment in our classroom and have been having fun with it. We got some new footballs so we have been busy practising football skills in our pods during our indoor and outdoor P.E. lessons.
We had a busy day in our classroom. We finished our Picasso art projects this afternoon. We recreated our cubist style oil pastel portrait in a collage style using coloured paper. We also had fun during Golden Time. Check out our pictures. :-) Picasso PortraitsGolden TimeWe realised today that our winter poem clips weren't working in our earlier post so here they are again. Pablo's Winter PoemIga's Winter PoemHannah's Winter PoemAlantas's Winter PoemCassi's Winter PoemArnav's Winter PoemMia's Winter PoemAndreea's Winter PoemIra's Winter PoemAadarsh's Winter PoemGrace's Winter PoemZara's Winter PoemÁine's Winter PoemCaleb's Winter PoemAariz's Winter PoemLexie's Winter PoemAaya's Winter PoemWe are really enjoying being back in our classroom! Today we started an art project. We are learning about the artist Pablo Picasso. Picasso was experimental in his approach to art, often painting a common object or person from lots of different angles in one picture. This is called cubism. We looked at one of his famous painting "The Weeping Woman." Rather than create an exact portrait of the woman’s face, Picasso used jagged shapes, bright colours and thick black lines to present her face and emotions. We tried to mimic this style today to create our own cubist style portraits using oil pastels. Check them out!
June 2023