We had our last P.E. lesson yesterday and enjoyed using our equipment for the last time this school year. We have also been learning a little bit about space this week and completed two fun pieces of art. We used crayon and black paint to create our first piece. You use the crayon first and when you apply the paint after, the wax from the crayons resists it. After that, we created some space art using objects from our homes that we used to print shapes. Check them out.
We are having great fun in our classroom! We have been learning about magnets during science and are having fun experimenting with the magnet poles. We learned that the same poles repel each other and the opposite poles attract. We used this knowledge to set up some races using magnets and cars.
This morning during out last whole-school assembly of the year, Caitríona announced the winners of some of the sports day races and some children in our class were awarded with medals for coming first or second in the running races. Congratulations! This afternoon, we are planning to make some short stop motion animation films using objects from our classroom and our school Chromebooks. We can't wait to get started! What a super Friday!
Wow! We had an amazing day of fun and sports today! We spent the day working on different sports stations outside and having races. It was tremendous fun. Everybody worked really well together and tried their best at the different events. Well done 3rd Class! Pictures from the DayThe Obstacle CourseWe are really enjoying our P.E. lessons at the moment. We are practising a number of skills at five different stations. Check them out. Baton passing in relay
Hitting in badmintonDistance throwing with beanbagsWe had a great week in school last week and did lots of fabulous learning. In English, we have been learning about persuasive writing. We wrote some very convincing advertisements to sell basketballs. We hope you enjoy reading them! See if you can spot our exaggerated language, product benefits and rhetorical questions. We got some new P.E. equipment in our classroom and have been having fun with it. We got some new footballs so we have been busy practising football skills in our pods during our indoor and outdoor P.E. lessons.
This week we all helped to write our news blog. We've put the names of the different blog authors above the piece of writing. We hope you enjoy reading our news!Outdoor ClassroomBy Áine: On sunny days we go out to the outdoor classroom. By Andreea: On Monday, we went out to the garden and we got to listen to the stream and we got to look at the bug hotel. We got to sit on the grass and we were all happy. OrigamiBy Grace: This week in school we did lots of stuff. We did our first ever origami lesson! We made monster book marks. P.E. LessonsBy Eoin: We do P.E. every Tuesday and Thursday. I feel really happy when we do P.E. to be honest. By Tanzeel: I like P.E. because it is very fun. By Andreea: We got to play new yard games like Black Hold and Jailbreak! The Magic Faraway Tree and D.E.A.R. TimeBy Aariz: We have been reading a book called the Magic Faraway Tree. It's full of twists and turns and weird creatures. There is also lot of weird lands and worlds. The tree is very tall and it goes up to the cloud. A lot of very strange people live in the trunk of the tree. There is a hole in the cloud which leads to a different land. By Zara: Sometimes in the morning we do D.E.A.R. time which means: Drop, Everything and Read. In the classroom we have a small library with books in it and everyone borrows one book and has a bookmark. If you are finished your book, you put it in a box and after three days it goes back in the library. Our library is at the back of the classroom and we have a desk there too and a painting made by the whole class. MathsBy Alantas:
We played a wonderful game called Last Man Standing. Aaya: We have been playing Last Man Standing. It has been lots of fun memorising our Maths. Step 1: The referee will ask two people a Maths question or say a sum. Step 2: The person who says the answer first will stay standing and the other person sits down and so on and so on until the last person standing wins! Remember, you will not always win in this game but the most important thing is that you have fun! By Mia: We learned rounding in Maths. By Varshith: We made a picture out of Hundreds, Tens and Units. Wow! We are so excited to be back and school and starting Third Class! We have been busy this first couple of weeks. We have been learning new routines to help keep ourselves and others safe. We are learning to sanitise our hands regularly and we even have some handy posters in our classroom to remind us of the correct way to do it. We also have organised our classroom really well into different coloured pods. We did our first science investigation of the year last week! We learned how powerful soap is. We wrote the investigation up in our new science copies. Here it is if you want to try it out at home. We also started our first class novel of the year and we are already on chapter 3! It is a very enjoyable book. Last week, we completed our first art project. We chose to do some paintings based on the work of Wassily Kandinsky called Concentric Circles. We each created a square painting of a 2D shape of our choice and then Martha put them together on the wall to create a whole-class painting. We have also been spending lots of time outdoors. Our school has so many lovely outdoor places. During some of our PE lessons, we have been practising different class yard games that we can play together. It is great to be back at school! We will add more to our blog soon to update you on other things we are doing in school!
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June 2023