The children all clearly enjoyed it!
Thank you Ben's Mam for bringing in yummy chocolate cake for the class! The children all clearly enjoyed it!
In May, 5th class had the opportunity to visit the National Museum of Ireland - Archaeology and Museum of Natural History. The children learnt a lot of interesting facts about history in Ireland. They saw artefacts that dated back to the Bronze and Stone Age and saw the bones of some wonderful animals that have now become extinct.
In term two we had a historian come into our school and educate the children and tell different stories from the 1916 Rising and the First World War. He showed us many interesting artefacts from these times and the children were really interested.
In April, we learnt about the 1916 Rising and how it contributed to Irish History. The children did a lot of research on this topic and got creative by making a model replica of the General Post Office in Dublin City. This took them a long time but the results were phenomenal! Take a look for yourself! I have had some technical difficulties with logging onto our class website.
But we are back in action! Take a look below at some of our learning that has taken place in our 5th class over the last while! Our class hosted their very own fashion show today!
Children got creative with a couple of props and walked down the runway showcasing their creative fashion choices. While others described what they were wearing as Gaeilge! As you can see, these guys are not scared of being in the spotlight! In Irish, we have been learning new vocabulary and focussing on writing simple compound and complex sentences. The children wrote a detailed description of their home as Gaeilge and drew a picture of what it looks like from the outside. If you zoom in I'm sure you will be able to recognise some of your homes too!
Níl aon tinteán mar do thinteán féin Recently we have been learning about electricity in Science. The children built their own circuits using our electricity sets. They tried switching on a lightbulb, setting a buzzer make a noise and even made a motor spin! They had great fun with this activity. There are definitely some future electricians in this class!
In September we started our marathon running programme, which involved both 5th classes spending some time each day building up their distance. In November we were supposed to complete our last mile in a sports facility, unfortunately we were let down by them, but that didn't stop us! So we ran our last mile in our own school campus. The children really enjoyed this challenge and everyone received medals for completing the marathon.
In October, we walked to our local playground. On our route, we observed what facilities are around us in our locality. Along the way we picked up some beautiful Autumn leaves, which we then used for our art.
June 2023