Our class were so lucky to have been chosen to take part in the "Make your own Comic" workshop that was taking place in Tallaght Library as part of their ComicFest. Classes were chosen to take part via a lottery, and we luckily were selected! We were all excited to be able to go on a trip outside of the school again. Once we got to Tallaght Library, we were welcomed into our room and met with Sarah Bowie, an Irish illustrator who was doing the workshop with us. We developed characters based on prompts that were chosen randomly: mean, beardy, elf. We built lots of interesting characters around these prompts, and then used the additional words texting and pool to develop our stories. We all made mini comic books, which everyone then took home! It was such a fun experience, and so exciting to be able to get out of the classroom for a few hours!
In maths, we have been doing lots of hard work on data. We have gotten lots of practise in collecting and analysing data, and also creating and reading graphs. In our class, we conducted lots of surveys with our whole class. We also created a survey about favourite animals and invited other classes to answer, and we created a range of graphs to represent the data we gathered.We have been learning about life in Medieval Ireland in history recently. To get us started, we used the school chromebooks to explore various resources showing how Dublin has changed over the years, and making note of anything interesting we found! The most interesting one we found was the Dublinia website, which has a slider to show how Dublin has grown and changed, you can check it out here! We collected some of the most interesting facts on a Google Jamboard. In October, we did lots of research and activities when we were learning about Mexico for geography. One tradition we learned about was Dia de los Muertos, or the Day of the Dead, which is celebrated from October 31st- November 2nd. We created these skeleton artworks, using Dia de los Muertos decorations as our inspiration!
June 2023